undermines one of the truly productive characteristics of the material spatiality of travel – its potential for the happenstance juxtaposition of previously unrelated trajectories, that business of walking around a…
that is photographed because it seems beautiful to us and the reality that seems beautiful because it is photographed is very narrow (Antonio in The Adventures of a Photographer Italo…
across space to reach a destination, a place that waits patiently for them to arrive, take their snapshots and leave (leaving the place much as they found it). They are…
that what they frame articulates their position in a space, their relation to a space. But they can’t avoid the frames of those that share the space with them –…
nor markers that deliver that authenticity. And, unlike Urry’s tourists, they are not merely following a map but creating, alongside others, a territory.
upon the relational constructedness of things ….
is one that includes a sense of motion in itself (Rodowick).